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Kamis, 22 Agustus 2019

I Wanna Make Love with You

I wanna make love with you
let my fingers caress gently
crossing the curves of your body
let the spoiled movement wrap
washed away in your beautiful hair

I wanna make love with you
your lips are splendidly full
I warmly turtle each other
let it pull out the body's desires
and our love is increasingly intertwined

I wanna make love with you
moist eyes stroking all of you
your body is in full view
admire all your beauty
stop yours quietly

I wanna make love with you
stretch your body by my side
like the silk of our skin gently blend
hot romance sensation blends together
there is no part of us that does not merge

I wanna make love with you
with the best that I can afford
your soul flows into my soul too
so we are no longer two but one
then we know the meaning of heaven

I wanna make love with you

Solo, December 3rd, 2018. 10:15 pm
'with love and peace'
Suko Waspodo
antologi puisi suko
ilustr: James Lee


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