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Kamis, 20 Agustus 2020

In The Stillness of The Night

in the stillness of the night ...
you and I miss each other to say hello
even though the distance stretches us apart
but the smell of your love is mesmerizing

in the stillness of the night ...
in natural shades without full moon light
I stare at you gracefully in a sad, dark clear
revealed sincerely amazed at the beautiful romance

in the stillness of the night ...
you present a sparkle of ancient passion
radiating from graceful mortal human instincts
I greet with a warm imagination surge

in the stillness of the night ...
a series of love poems manifest
in beautiful intimate caresses in our eyes
martyrdom covers as if in a local community

in the stillness of the night ...
we sweat in arms like a body
touch away seemed to wash away
passion brings us to the peak of romance

Solo, Thu, 16th May 2019. 10:28 pm
'with love and peace'
Suko Waspodo
antologi puisi suko
ilustr: Jo-Ann Richards


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