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Minggu, 22 November 2020

Fake Lover

anxiety grew when it dimmed lurking

immersed in a circle of boundless love

waiting expectantly when you will return

with a roar of feeling between despair 

and longing to disturb the heart

my soul is increasingly raging 

tossed around by romance

with all the charm of yourself 

you let me down

which is wrapped in aura of emotion 

radiating on your face

turbulent desires are fueling me in passion

I traced your beautiful niches 

that seemed to be limitless

and all that is on you 

until I fall asleep in love

half of my soul you have now taken away

along with the passing of the changing seasons

on the rest of the trip feeling your soul back for me

then I waited in the faith that I had

even though I'm just a fake lover you don't consider


Solo, Thu, 18th July 2019. 8:08 pm

'with love and peace'

Suko Waspodo

antologi puisi suko

ilustr: Canvas Art Rocks


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