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Jumat, 15 November 2019

Because It's Different

said you hotly and firmly
even though it seems hard stiff
but your personality is really straightforward
the reflection of your heart is real firm

your sincere picture of modesty
your uniqueness is amazing
your greatness does not present your pride
my heart is stuck in your niche

my admiration and sincerity
greet in a chime promise
to always desire one
ignore the differences between you and I

sometimes there is giddiness
interrupting our wish alloy
but realize there are differences
make life more colorful

doubtful should meet firmly
soft must be beautifully blended hard
difference is complete simplicity
manifest in the mosaic of hearty love

we row the raft of life
wading through a sea of difficulties
strengthen each other achieve goals
make it full of beauty

Solo, Mon, 7th January 2019. 4:34 pm
'with love and peace'
Suko Waspodo
antologi puisi suko
ilustr: pinterest


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