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Jumat, 29 November 2019

Blend The Heart of Instinct

I want to erase that anxiety
when I look into your eyes
never mind
forget that past
let the pain pass
face now passionately happy

I want to spoil you
enjoy the days
become more meaningful
by loving each other
understand each other
fill in the rest of our age
in mutual protection

let's face the one in front
we embrace live now sharing
grief that will always be there
make it a gift that we must enjoy
always keep the sincerity of our love
to explore the beauty of this life

the time is more certain
no more anxiety in yourself
so that we warm each other
embrace our real longing
fill the meaning of love
to love each other
blend the heart of instinct

Solo, Sat, 12th January 2019. 12:21 pm
'with love and peace'
Suko Waspodo
antologi puisi suko
ilustr: Aisha's Scrapyard


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