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Selasa, 09 Maret 2021

Closely Bonded in Love












drizzle the early evening season feels cool
greeting each other we open the veil of hearts
do not feel unraveled long closed
wistful eyes gaze in love buds

there is a sense of longing that penetrates the depth of heart
fantasize about us solemn smiles at each other
your presence presents longing is increasingly breaking
although for an instant want to touch each other delete fret

sincere intentions to come closer to each other
so that our human instincts are more closely bonded
no matter how the bulkhead separates us
turmoil of desire leads to the real world of sua

the meaning of time travel feels more beautiful
when our passion has fused us to get upset
the night was increasingly full of caressing the body
with affectionate reach the top of romance

Solo, Fri, 15th November 2019. 3:01 pm
'with love and peace'
Suko Waspodo
antologi puisi suko
painting by Lester Kem


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