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Selasa, 23 Maret 2021

Dreams of Longing












gently drizzle moistening longing heart
hope our hugs are real
a sigh of restlessly pierced heartstrings
when lonely biting untold pain

sad hope warm unite hope
drain the desire to mix the body
my mind was full of nervous restless
involved me in the beautiful cradle of passion

in our imagination we touch each other's hearts
caress the desire of human instincts
the fingers of two tastes are intimate intertwined
alleviate the flare of longing that whack

hugged us in a desolate niche
do not want time to pass in silence
even though flowers sleep the way we meet
don't want for a moment we also nevertheless separated

the cold night we passed in sticking
spoiled with a touch of desire
two sincerity united in dreams of longing
meet in a beautiful mix

also achieved wishes to unite romance
melting new love and charming
even though the real distance is blocking itself
our warm love will never be pulled aside

Solo, Sun, 24th November 2019. 8:55 am
'with love and peace'
Suko Waspodo
antologi puisi suko
painting by Amanda Copenhaver


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