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Kamis, 10 Oktober 2019

Frame Two Hearts

'have you had breakfast?'
your short greeting makes me desire
to start my day meaningful and happy
your sincere attitude decorates my wish

I trace the path of the meaning of life
it feels we are guiding each other capable
although sometimes it's troubling to close
realize our time is sometimes not enough

my lunch break felt more enjoyable
since always in your shadow is warm
a cup of coffee makes my desire flare up
make your presence embedded my heart

we constantly knit together our love
in the form of continuous communication
no longer want to repeat our hearts hurt
frame two meaningful desires forever

Solo, Sat, 29th Desember 2018. 1:19 pm
'with love and peace'
Suko Waspodo
antologi puisi suko
ilustr: Melly Terpening


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