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Kamis, 16 April 2020

Women and Me

surely there won't be me
without a woman
I can't imagine where I am
no woman myself means nothing
who always protect me
guide me with sincerity
presenting the meaning of life

your presence, women
the world becomes real beautiful
life feels warmer passionately
longing verses are created easily
decorate every strand of love

your graceful, women
make days more colorful
full of fragrant flowers
always said intimate words
the world feels like paradise
full of romance

your aura, women
emit a beautiful sheen
make people stunned
admire the meaning of heaven

your charms, women
inspiration for artist's scratches
always charming dreams
coupled with beautiful nature

Solo, Mon, 21st Januari 2019. 6:28 pm
'with love and peace
Suko Waspodo
antologi puisi suko
ilustr: Basuki Abdullah


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