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Minggu, 07 November 2021

The Fragrance of A Long Silent Love












you were in my dream last night
bring the fragrance of a long silent love
as if you were in an orange bed
make love we enjoy the beauty of romance

jerked my consciousness you were not real
myself slammed into the abyss of disappointment
lamenting yourself all this time too self-love
as if able to live my day alone

forgive my mistake for ignoring your sincerity
I followed my arrogant obedient longing mute
real without you life feels meaningless
being trapped in quiet time seemed endless

I want to return hope our love is united
I hope you open the door of your heart again

water your love tree ever blossomed
growing true love is not just a dream

beetles actually miss the fragrance of flowers
make sure the united desire is not discordant

Solo, Mon, 27th July 2020. 12:36 pm
'with love and peace’
Suko Waspodo
antologi puisi suko
painting by Dorina Costras


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