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Senin, 28 Desember 2020

Let Me Become Addicted To You

let me be your miss

shed dust full of sorrow

wiping your restless sweat

I gently stroked your skin

lulled me into solemn desire

oh, you are like a wanderer

survive in dry savanna

I came to wipe you spoiled

I present the fresh heavenly springs

drink and release your thirst

I welcome your charm I stare warmly

your eyes sparkle radiant beauty

hug me don't you let go

as if the night will not be present again

your passion is the rhythm of my heart

the beating fast not pause

the breath of our intimate rhythmic breath

seemed to swing us in the library

let me become addicted to you

sipping the beauty of the full moon night

as beautiful as a sigh and close to sweat


Solo, Fri, 23rd August 2019. 10:15 pm

'with love and peace'

Suko Waspodo

antologi puisi suko

ilustr:  Yossi Kotler


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