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Selasa, 12 Mei 2020

The Rainbow of Love

your greeting is here again
sweet start to the day
soothing my dry feeling early
eliminate all that is troubling the heart
soft melodious love songs adorn

the symphony of peace permeates longing
the strains of romance are all beautiful
wash away the worn out increasingly purified
light shine is undoubtedly glowing sincerity

soft natural rhythms caressing miss 
smooth touch heart like stroking beads
staggered our desire in a beautiful stay
forget the past get rid of it when it's dark

warm happiness accompanied by serene poetry
cradles the turmoil of instinct in the breezy wind
unite the difference in mind in love engraved
pursue our beautiful rainbow of love without end

Solo, Fri, 22nd February 2019. 10:14 pm
'with love and peace'
Suko Waspodo
antologi puisi suko
ilustr: Chirila Corina


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