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Rabu, 27 Mei 2020

Humming of Two Hearts

to you I seduce
where you stretch the road
show the heart that is sad

grass sways
allow me to sulk
expressed longing that echoed
and a little dream I want to hug

beautiful flowers develop
will you convey the vibrations of my soul
to the heart across the shadows
offer love as sweet as honey

birds singing
beat up my passionate passion
melodious tunes in the heart
echo always in the depths of heart

lovely butterfly
sincerely warm my feelings
for her the soul mate is charming
declare our two hearts 
more and more combined

the cool breeze of the wind
accompany me to pray strong request
His arms glued our hearts to one more
walk the rainbow colors of love

Solo, Tue, 12th March 2019. 8:45 pm
'with love and peace'
Suko Waspodo
antologi puisi suko
ilustr: Flora S. Bowley


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