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Senin, 11 Mei 2020

Second Rendezvous

your beautiful sheen hair shakes my heart
there is tenderness radiating on your calm face
our second rendezvous strengthens desire
passion meets tightly warms our love

I kissed your forehead gently, I felt the heartbeat
your sincerity flows make sure we must unite
even though realizing this togetherness isn't easy
but our happiness is definitely not wrong

I kissed your lips warmly and beautifully wet
don't want our time to pass lonely without fondling
remove any sadness we have ever experienced
enjoy the body in a tumultuous caress

I hold love in the expression of endless passion
our longing is shed in the strong arms of instinct
embracing each other's wills increasingly gluing love
our togetherness isn't just in this second rendezvous

Solo, Tue, 19th February 2019. 9:39 pm
'with love and peace'
Suko Waspodo
antologi puisi suko
ilustr: Loui Jover


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