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Rabu, 06 Mei 2020


in silence, I present your gentle shadow
your little smile soothes my longing heart
do you feel my desires are now blue
hoping to enter your heart's room to reach your love

in silence, I understood the meaning of your presence to me
your greetings flow the imagination of the beautiful poems of love
there is warmth that permeates your body when you look at your eyes
your clearness reveals the sincerity of your beautiful heart

in silence, I enjoy waiting for you
I want us to always meet even though it's not in the real world
join us as we knit together the threads of desire to join
reassure yourself one day surely these two hearts will converge too

in silence, begging His arms to hope for us
guarding each other so that only pure love is created
although it is not easy to be real, but I pray for love
all of our dreams happen and are beautiful in His time

in silence, I surrender our minds and love to Him

Solo, Wed, 13th February 2019. 10:48 pm
'with love and peace'
Suko Waspodo
antologi puisi suko
ilustr: Evelyn Hamilton


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