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Sabtu, 03 Oktober 2020

Semoga Kita Bercinta

we've been greeting each other for so long

from start joking to intimate expressions

greetings that are always our encouragement

fill the days that sometimes feel empty

admire each other's charms

start to praise then want to have

sweet sentences like a series of poems

our story is always revealed every time

makes us more miss meeting

flinch when I remember who we are

when the feeling has become romance

there is a high wall blocking desperation

but the desire to strengthen love

should we reject this gift

if the beauty is unbearable

flow of charming passion

on the notes of each word

isn't this instinctual turmoil humane

always present in self-authenticity

may love perch on silent soul

and always busy decorating our twilight life

miss us to unite the body

don't want the goods to be in vain

this desire is human

can reach anyone

are we wrong to do it?

without knowing His scenario

we never unite the request

hope He looks after our blend of love

sure if we have reached His blessing

we will certainly be united


Solo, Mon, 10th June 2019. 7:22 pm

'with love and peace'

Suko Waspodo

antologi puisi suko

ilustr: fizdi.com


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