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Kamis, 15 Oktober 2020

What I Want

I want you on my lap

both of us enjoy the night

staring at the moon starred

whispered spelling our hopes

I want to rub your smile

with a warm, loving look

assuring you of my true nature

embed white love in the niche of your heart

I want to flow my warmth lovely

through a soft kiss on your forehead

so that you absorb the sincerity of my love

always united with the smell of love

I want to kiss your lips intently

and you welcome with a hug

I feel your passion welcome my desires

the vibration of the will seemed to peak

I want to take you flying

toward the seventh heaven to end longing

this jerk is just mere daydream

I miss you more gripping

I was thrown into pain in reality

desire is only false imagination

like an owl misses for the moon

embracing you really just a dream


Solo, Fri, 21st June 2019. 5:12 pm

'with love and peace'

Suko Waspodo

antologi puisi suko

ilustr: Dimitra Milan


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