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Sabtu, 03 Oktober 2020

You Hug Me Affectionately

the morning wind infiltrated the glass panes

the sun writhed with enthusiasm starting the day

I opened my eyes to see the night go by

birds singing accompanied me to clean my body

I entered my prayer room

I lit red candles

I kneel

I closed my eyes

I empty myself

i open my heart

I greet You spoiled

You hug me affectionately

I am grateful for Your protection

You always love me

I hold Your fingers tight

I feel Your love flowing warmly

I opened my eyes again

I admire Your universe more

I thank You for Your gift

I promise to keep it always


Solo, Sun, 9th June 2019. 4:54 am

'with love and peace'

Suko Waspodo

antologi puisi suko

ilustr: Paul Lovering 


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