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Senin, 12 Oktober 2020

Our Love Is Never Dry

season after season has changed

always our desires flow in the heart

touch of peace in the rainy season

all the seeds of love are more memorable

dry season doesn't make us dry

because of our sincerity ahead

the rain doesn't make us cold

because hugs always warm

in sharing we maintain purity of heart

we don't want togetherness just a dream

the sincerity of love is more real

delete quietly parse meaning

when the night is quiet without moon

we hold on with love

we quietly suppressed the turmoil

whispering expresses longing for will

we are like beetles and flowers

staggering in passion more stretched

we wet this soul with sincere love

present want to be more holy

let the night change during the day

our romance is never cracked

not afraid of side-by-side obstacles

our love is never dry


Solo, Wed, 19th June 2019. 6:26 pm

'with love and peace'

Suko Waspodo

antologi puisi suko

ilustr: Dorina Costras


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