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Senin, 22 Juni 2020

Enjoy Loneliness Myself

the gloomy face of the sky was clouded
the wet patter of the clouds washed your cheeks together
darkness covered the sad, covered heart
regret the past I swallow the falsehood of words wrapped in lies

your sweet smile closes your cheeky intentions
you only consider yourself satisfied with thirst for a moment
your beautiful body traps the long-held desire
you say sweet words full of delicious promises end up misguided

a flash of lightning screamed bitterly
the wind blew clouds over the rain
you revealed yourself when I was in a dream present
I was wasted by your arrogant attitude 
which was fascinated by lulled greed

I realized there was no meaning in me to fulfill your desires
chasing the worldly peak you ignore humanly
without you realizing it, pseudo-fun will lead to disgust
I hope my anxiety doesn't happen 
even though I have to enjoy loneliness myself 

Solo, Thu, 4th  April 2019. 6:49 pm
'with love and peace'
Suko Waspodo
antologi puisi suko
ilustr: WallHere


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