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Sabtu, 13 Juni 2020

The Warmth of Our Love

the sun sneaked between the tops of the pine
the heat burst as my heart went through
include your pure love, come to me sincerely
tucked into the line of poetry caressing me lulled

melodious bird song lulls intentions
bring your loving hug in getting involved
delicious it felt a surge of love increasingly stinging
turbulent heart evokes a stir of desire

the breeze slowly gently touches my skin
whispered nervously sad as deep as my trough
so do I love my soulmate
I miss rolling endlessly because of you

sweetheart, heart thief from the wilderness
feel the love breath warm the hearth
cut the taste along the curve of the reed wishes
flow of passion for the warmth of our love

Solo, Thu, 28th March 2019. 2:22 pm
'with love and peace'
Suko Waspodo
ilustr: Rumen Sazdov


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