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Selasa, 23 Juni 2020

The Peace of Mind Between Us

the soft sob in the early hours breaks the silence 
get your regrets over the beautiful night
should you deny the gift of instinct
then feel pierced by dark pain

I tried to embrace you in a sincere warmth
put all your feelings into reality
realize yourself leaving the past erased
don't let the body in the torture be held back

the time goes towards dusk
there is no way you can prevent night
millions of times you enjoy it all down. 
it's time for you to be happy at the end of age now

let me wipe your overflowing pain
to present the peace of mind between us
let our love touch each other wistfully
in the arms of desire to reach nirvana

Solo, Fri, 5th April 2019. 6:56 pm
'with love and peace'
Suko Waspodo
antologi puisi suko
ilustr: fizdi.com


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