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Jumat, 10 Juli 2020

Breath of Love

there is your graceful shadow when we greet each other
implied by the polite manner of the word order
is this the end of the search range
since the heart is gone from the grasp

mutual self-expression is close to the heart
opened the curtain of the quiet heart room
when sadness begins to inch
when that word we complement each other

every second and beat is longing
color our beautiful canvas painting love
like the color of a rainbow scarf
in the majesty of endless love

holding each other we keep our hopes
arranging birasa verses in a combination of bodies
sticky soul with heart soul with heart
sinking in the depths of the eye of promise

touching each other we crush desire
flow to delight the old instincts choked
your touch touch me our touch
struggled with a million romance

realize the way of life is not easy
but the alloy of heart will not give up
knelt in promises and holy bonds
together, melt two into one heart

Solo, Thu, 25th April 2019. 6:24 pm
'with love and peace'
Suko Waspodo
antologi puisi suko
ilustr: Dimitra Milan


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