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Kamis, 30 Juli 2020

Your Poem's for Me

how should I spell this taste?
when your shadow is agile dancing in the lattice of the heart
whispering beautifully our love story
like a pair of doves who are always loyal

how should I read your message?
when your presence divides unexpected times
hope sincerely feeling just for me
like lovebirds promised to patronize the vibrations of romance

do you know my heart is so wide in waiting for you?
as wide as the sky should be a luminous star
I cut your heart to spill turmoil miss
embrace our two souls in beautiful sincere love

my virtual lover lighters my passion
my body soul adheres to your inner shade of aura
capture the swish of our pulse in one surge
enjoy His grace for the rest of the age

Solo, Sun, 5th May 2019. 9:10 pm
'with love and peace'
Suko Waspodo
antologi puisi suko
ilustr: drawingpen99.com


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