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Sabtu, 04 Juli 2020

The General of The Bats

always behaving as mad as your crazy mind
strafing vile slander always
you spread it every time
for your ambition that is not shy

you are a real human rights destroyer
deter the enforcers of democracy
when that era you had ammunition
to act cruelly to ignore conscience

really indeed has become a character
you play carelessly
but the people increasingly dare to move
because the truth must be upright

now you regroup the hooligans
to exterminate a bad desire
acting as brutal as the warriors
but you will soon die overturned

in fact your life is meaningless
your virility has been broken down neutered
then only able to berate
and spreading hatred never stopped

please anyone to be surprised
this is the fact about the general of the bats

Solo, Tue, 16th April 2019. 2:13 pm
'with love and peace'
Suko Waspodo
antologi puisi suko
ilustr: Jeff Cornish


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