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Jumat, 17 Juli 2020

Let Me Love You

the sincerity in your sap feels soft
straightforward and simple words you say knitted
I try to approach your friend jokingly
so that I can touch your heart with love

orange on your cheeks
I stared at your smile blushing
I grabbed your tiny fingers
and I touch the tip of your chin pretty

the twilight horizon has turned dim
but happy with the sad erase romance
warm charm flows lulled passion
heart-throbs in desperation

the night gate welcomes us
the stars sprinkle with the moon blushing
increasingly happy to unite two hearts longing
hope to meet you to stick to one mind

let me love you

Solo, Wed, 1st May 2019. 7:42 pm
'with love and peace'
Suko Waspodo
antologi puisi suko
ilustr: Lena Levin


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