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Sabtu, 04 Juli 2020

I Embrace You in The Cold Morning

I embrace you in the cold morning
when the sun is still covered
dew soaks the leaves
I drifted into a dream

you always smile sweetly
brush the remaining dark lonely moon
touch you generate orange instincts
miss the gentle caress of the cupid

although the beginning of the day was still clouded
want my desires to be happy
I make sure it's always fast reaching
spoil you with a touch of love

hold each other's fingers awaiting the sun
unity in managing the day to fulfill human promises
the chirping of birds colors the blend of our soul songs
the beauty of love means more in the heavenly mind

Solo, Tue, 16th April 2019. 6:31 am
'with love and peace'
Suko Waspodo
antologi puisi suko
ilustr: Roman Lytvyn


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